Box Cover Illustrations
Below are box cover illustrations I created while working for Rainbow Studios and THQ. For both projects I was also involved with creating cinematic animation. For Summoner: A Goddess Reborn, I also created the updated main character shown on the cover, and re-created the cinematic shots that featured the main character among others. This was done to maintain continuity. For whatever reason I am not listed in the game credits, but I was greatly involved with and enjoyed working on this release.
Summoner: A Goddess Reborn
Summoner: A Goddess Reborn was released shortly after Summoner 2. It was published by THQ and developed by Cranky Pants for exclusive release on the Nintendo Gamecube. It is a re-tooled version of Summoner 2 to take advantage of the Gamecube’s features and gameplay. The main character was redesigned for this release and that’s where my work on the cinematics and cover illustration came into play. I built the new main character, and then we re-rendered the cinematics with new effects, building on the original Summoner 2 work.
I created the illustration using Mirai for modeling, 3ds Max for modeling effects, skinning, and posing. I used Photoshop for compositing and painting additional effects.
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild:
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild, is a game developed for the PS2 that features some ground-breaking water rendering tech from one of my best friends at Rainbow Studios, Doug McNabb (he’s a great follow on X). The water was realistic, fast rendering, and looked beautiful in the game environments. I was involved with animating and lighting cinematic scenes with Chris Baranowski. I was also asked to take assets from the game and render and paint the box cover illustration.